Another 2.0 or social networking tool - Technorati! Technorati searches blogs in the blogoshpere! (I love this term blogoshpere!) You can search blog posts, blogs, and tags. In the video clip we watched it said you could search blog directories, but I think Technorati has changed their page and I wasn't able to find that. I did search "school library learning 2.0" and discovered there are many people out there doing "23 Things!"
I like how Technorati returns results in real time - telling you how long ago something was posted on a blog. It is amazing to me the vastness of the blogoshpere! I looked at some of the popular searches and the popular blogs. Not surprising, most of the popular blogs have something to do with Technology!
I also did a search on my blog and I found it on Technorati! It is fun to see your own stuff come up on a search like that. It just reiterates the fact that nothing is private on the Internet, so be careful what you write!! While poking around in Technorati I got sidetracked looking at different blogs - the point of Technorati I think!
As far as using Technorati, I probably will if I want to search other blogs, or try to find out what blogs are out there on a particular subject. Other than that objective, I don't know that I will use it for its other features simply because I have other ways to do favorites and keep up to date on blog posts.
Now to tagging - as I wrote earlier tagging is simply applying keywords, or subject headings for you library folk, to things in order to classify them for yourself. My problem in tagging is I don't always remember the tags that I have used in the past, so I don't know how uniform my tagging is!
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